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Zibi Canada’s first One Planet Living Community.

Ottawa, ON /
Gatineau, QC


34 acres
4M sq. ft.

Hobin Architecture Inc.
Kohn Architects

Other Key Partners:
Urban Equation (sustainability)

Capital Cost

Under Construction

Zibi is a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use development situated on two islands in Ottawa and riverfront property in Gatineau, Quebec. Through Zibi, this neglected brownfield industrial site, once the heart of Ottawa’s bustling industrial sector, is being reclaimed, transformed and reanimated into a vibrant new community. 

Windmill is proud to have initiated the Zibi development, achieving all the entitlements and approvals required for Canada’s first One Planet Living community. This high-profile project consists of more than 42 buildings, totaling over 4 million square feet of low, medium and high rise residences, retail and office space, unique waterfront plazas and outdoor squares, and recreational facilities. One Planet Living was used as a planning and design framework, providing the strong foundation needed to build support and collaboration from a diverse stakeholder group that included two cities, two provinces, the National Capital Commission and Indigenous groups.

One Planet Living Impact Highlights
See Full Plan See Full Plan

Zero Carbon EnergyZibi will develop the region’s first zero-carbon District Energy System (ZCU) relying on post-industrial waste energy for heating and the Ottawa River for cooling. A low-temperature distribution system will allow buildings with diverse thermal loads to share energy before the system requires energy inputs. This will result in thermal comfort for the whole community without relying on high-carbon energy sources.

Culture and Community“Zibi” is the Algonquin Anishinaabe word for “river”. Zibi is a site of great importance to the First Nations people of the area and they are an integral part of the Zibi community. Windmill made it a top priority to create a true partnership with the Algonquin Anishinaabeg, consulting and engaging at every stage of the development process. This collaborative approach is unlike any other in the region. Through our ongoing engagement, we remain committed to improving the way Indigenous Peoples and non-Indigenous private sector companies work together.